Friday, February 7, 2014

Why is spring the best time of year to sell your home?

There are many reasons. There are also a couple of downsides as well.

In Seattle the weather finally starts to warm up. It is decent outside and people are starting to get out more. It seems that spring is busier for many families. Sports are starting up again, school is having more outings, and you are going on more walks and adventures. Generally there are many more people out and about in spring then winter. Because of this it makes spring a perfect time to list your home.

Many people list their homes in the summer because they know it is the best weather and has the most buyer traffic. Open houses will be busy and offers will be written. Why not start in spring? Get ahead of the curve. The same people who buy in the summer have actually been looking starting in the spring.

Another good reason to list in the spring is that if your house is sitting vacant you do not need to pay to heat or cool it. With the mild temperatures of spring your home should stay fairly comfortable and this is more attractive to buyers. If your home is too hot or cold during the selling process it will make potential buyers wonder why the temperature is so extreme.

One last advantage for a spring listing is that families tend to not want to move their children during the school year. Many will wait until the year is finished and move during the summer. Because it can take a few weeks for closing a deal starting your search in spring is perfect for this timeline. If you move in early summer that gives the buyer the rest of the summer to get settled and make sure the kids are comfortable for the new school year.

Now for the downsides, in Seattle spring means rain. With rain you can discover new leaks, your yard can be soggy, and it can be miserable to go outside.  Also gardens can begin to grow and may need some work from sitting all winter. By paying attention and doing a little work these things can be avoided.

Really, now is a great time to begin the selling/listing process. Getting your home straightened up and ready to market is a great place to start.  It’s great to be ahead of the curve of other sellers, now is the time to get started.

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